Asthma Triggers Each child’s asthma is different so their triggers are also different. We continue to learn more about asthma. Asthma attacks are set off by things around us called “triggers.” Common triggers include: Smoke from cigarettes, fire, vaping or fires Pollen, pets, mold Cold air Viruses, colds, sickness Asthma Trigger Facts Indoor triggers Secondhand and thirdhand smoking have a strong negative effect on a child with asthma. Vaping is as harmful as smoking for a child with asthma. There are no truly hypoallergenic “furry” pets. Outdoor triggers Air pollution can give you a good idea of when air quality might not be good, and what actions to take. Cold air is a common trigger for asthma. On cold days, children should wear a muffler or scarf around their nose on the way to school. Exercise is good for children so make sure that if they need pre treatment before exercise it is available. Clearing Asthma Triggers from a Home (PDF) Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality (Link) Resources Clear Asthma Triggers from a Home Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality Learn about Triggers (Irritants) Learn more about common triggers: Smoke Cockroaches Dustmites Mold Pets Rodents Families can learn more about helping kids with asthma: Videos about Inhalers How to Use Inhalers Manage asthma symptoms Get the Tips! Go Back to the Family Asthma Page