Know Your Audience
There are three main questions to consider.
- Who are you writing for? (Who is the page aimed at? Parents, Doctors, Nurses? What is their familiarity with the topic.)
- What do they want? (Identify their goals)
- What do you want? (What outcome are we trying to achieve with the page.
Use Plain Language / Avoid Jargon
Use the words your visitors use. Talk about the topic the way they do. Resist the urge to use the “correct” term. Of then the correct terms and phrases are understood only by educated insiders. Focus on your goal and goals and capabilities of the audience. It does no good to speak precisely, yet fail to communicate.
Skimming vs Reading
Visitors come to the page with a goal in mind. They want to learn something or answer a specific question they have. They typically aren’t sure if this page has the the information they want. Scanning is an efficient way to quickly evaluate a page.
Write with skimming in mind. Hit the key points in headings, bold text and bullets.
A visitor reading only the headings should get an overview of the topic
Make the Page Scannable
- Use headings & subheadings with key points
- Front-load information, put key information first
- Bullets & bold text highlight key points
- Plain language & short sentences
- How People Read Online: New and Old Findings
- Plain Language Is for Everyone, Even Experts
- Why Shipping and Transportation Stocks Were Up Big This Week
Front-Load Content
Use the journalism model of the inverted pyramid. Start with the content that is most important to your audience, and then provide additional details later in the page.
Opposite of our natural tendencies
- Natural to start with evidence and build to a conclusion
- Be the expert
- Lead with the conclusion
- Follow with proof and details, for those who need to be convinced
Helpful Links
Nielsen Norman Group (web usability experts)